view west from the Forbidden Plateau Traverse, July 19 - courtesy Rob Brodey

A Quick Post of Upcoming Events

Photos of Mt Albert Edward from early July to the third week in July reveal the fairly rapid retreat of snow at the treeline. Trails and campsites in the backcountry up to the treeline are now clear, with the terrain becoming very dry. The localized downpour at Mt Washington on Monday night simply ran off the surface, eroding parts of the path down from the Trailhead at Paradise Meadows.

Mt Albert Edward, from Mt Elma, July 2nd, courtesy Tim Penney
Mt Albert Edward and Ridges from below Mt Drabble, July 19, courtesy Loys Maingon



As part of the SWI “Discovering our Biodiversity” series, in September we have scheduled two Workshops, one the ever-popular annual Subalpine Mycology Workshop , the other a new addition to our series, one on Moths.

For both these Workshops there will be a limit of 15 participants. Pre-registration is required, with spots reserved on a first paid – first served basis.   The registration for the Moth Workshop will be $35, for the Mycology Workshop $70.
For more further information and to preregister, please email

Saturday Sept 7th 4:00 pm and 7.00 pm : Moths in Your Back Yard - presenter Libby Avis.

For the past 20 years, since retirement, Libby and her husband have been exploring the world of moths in their own backyard and beyond to encompass Vancouver Island i.e. our backyard.

In the late afternoon she will give a presentation on Moths, the less glamorous or well -known members of the broad Lepidoptera family.  There are in BC almost 10 times as many moths as butterflies, occupying many more ecological niches including the subalpine. Her talk gives an overview of some of the main families and species of moths on central/southern Vancouver Island, touching on different life styles, host species and methods of avoiding predation.  This will be followed by an evening session in which Libby hopes to attract and identify what species are in and around the Meadows using a Moth-light. And there will also be attracted to the light other insects.

Twirler Moth - genus Prolita courtesy Loys Maingon
Pearl Moth - Herpetogramma aquilonalis courtesy Loys Maingon

Mycology Workshop

Day 1: Saturday September 23rd 8.30 -4.30 pm

Annual Subalpine Mycology Workshop

Day 2: Sunday September 22nd -time TBA

Mycology Workshop Hike to Divers Lake

This year our team of talented experts includes Andy MacKinnon, Thom O’Dell, Erin Feldman and Bryce Kendrick, all eminent mycologists with extensive experience in both instruction and guiding field forays. On Saturday we will have in-class slide presentations and ID sessions, combined with forays out into the Meadows, in both morning and afternoon, separated by a lunch featuring wild mushroom soup.

On the Sunday SWI Director Loys Maingon will lead a hike through the fungus-rich forested slopes on the trail to Divers Lake, which lies in the valley below and to the west of Paradise Meadows.


Saturday September 28th 2nd Annual Chris Carter Memorial Hike and Tea

At the end of September, we will hold our annual Chris Carter Memorial Hike and Tea, honouring one of Strathcona Park’s great supporters, Chris Carter.

Tim Penney will again lead a day-hike for the more energetic to Croteau Lake and a spot unofficially called “Chris Carter Lookout”. There will also be a more leisurely afternoon walk in Paradise Meadows amid the glorious fall colours so eloquently captured in many of the photographs taken by Chris over the years. The afternoon will culminate in tea and cookies at the Wilderness Centre. More details, including times, will be circulated closer to the 28th, but please make a note in your calendars for this very special event.

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