Looking across Buttle to Wolf River - Sept 8th, 2023


Some of major fires in the Buttle area continue to burn, in particular on Mount Con Reid and in the Wolf River watershed. The photo above shows the Wolf River estuary engulfed in smoke, with only the peak of Mt. McBride visible above the haze. That fire is one of those responsible for the circulating smoke over the island. Other out-of-control fires, such as near Thelwood Creek, or north of the Elk River ( and Highway 28) are fortunately not causing major issues with any of the trails and the cooler temperatures and the forecast rain should help contain the fires.

Fall is certainly on it way, the ice on the Boardwalk in Paradise Meadows this past Wednesday morning confirms the drop in temperatures overnight; the sedges and grasses, rhododendron and blueberry bushes are beginning to don their fall colours of gold, red and purple.

Paradise Creek Valley - Sept 2023


September 30th: Chris Carter Memorial Hike & Tea

In the last newsletter we announced our plans for a Memorial Hike and Tea in honour of Chris Carter, whose decades-long association with Strathcona Park, Friends of Strathcona Park and SWI will be preserved through his countless photographs of the Park in every season. Below are the finalized details for the SWI event on September 30th.

There will be a day-hike to Croteau Lake (12km round trip, elevation gain ~ 250m) led by one of Chris’ hiking companions and fellow photographer, Tim Penney, with the assistance of CDMC vice president and experienced hiking guide, Janet Beggs. The hike will start at 9:00am from the Wilderness Centre at Paradise Meadows, going up to the Lake for lunch and returning by 3:30pm in time for tea and cookies at the Wilderness Centre.

Croteau Lake with Mt. Frink and Albert Edward in the distance

For those who prefer a leisurely walk, there will be a guided meander around the Paradise Meadows boardwalk to appreciate the magnificent fall colours that grace the ponds and wetlands every fall, and have been captured so magnificently in many of Chris’ photos, such as the one below. Please meet at the Wilderness Centre at 2:00pm.

Zig Zag Reflection - Chris Carter

From 3:00pm onwards there will be “Tea and Cookies” (plus coffee, juice and fruit) at the Wilderness Centre, in the Ruth Masters Nature Hall on the lower floor, with an opportunity to socialize and share memories.

This is a special occasion for one and all to remember Chris, and for SWI in particular to acknowledge his unstinting support over the years, as well as the generous donations from family and friends made in his memory.

Buttle Narrows, Early Morning - September 22, 2023.

For more information please email us at

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