We need your help in tracking the health and status of the flora and fauna of Strathcona Park to make sound environmental management decisions for future generations. We offer courses in Citizen Science – check out our website to find out more!
Please report to: swiadventurescience@gmail.com
How to report what you have seen:
- Take at least 2 clear photos of the specimen. For plants 1 from the side, 1 from below and 1 from above.
- Record Date, Time and GPS or general map location.
- Type of environment (marsh, stream, alpine, subalpine etc.).
- Send in all the above info to swiadventurescience@gmail.com (including attaching the images).
If you are missing some of the information above please submit it anyways however it decreases the likelihood of us being able to verify and confirm the said sighting.
Most importantly, a clear picture is the most valuable thing to submit.
Species of Interest:
Osprey -
V.I. White-tailed Ptarmigan -
Golden Eagle -
V.I. Marmot -
V.I. Goshawk -
Additional Species – V.I. Wolverine, Hawks and Owls